Sunday, 30 October 2011


During class we had the opportunity to take a look at a new app called pictello. This looked like a great app that would be beneficial in the classroom for many purposes. I thought I would talk about some ways that pictello could be implemented into the daily routine of the classroom.
1) Shared writing -  Students could work in small groups and write a story together. Each student can be responsible for writing a page and adding a picture. Students could choose a tolic that was interest to them. Besides the writing students have to learn to work together and compromise which can be difficult for some students. Students can than share thier stories with the class.
2) Social Stories - Students with Autism often benefit from being prepared for changes in routine or special events. SOmetimes daily routines are difficult but if they have the chance to visually see what is going to happen or what they need to do than they are better prepared. It could be as simpple as what to do in the cafeteria, getting on the bus at the end of the day or going on a special field trip. Pictures can be taken in advance and students can watch the story as many times as needed to prepare them.
3) Talking Photo Album - If the class has done something special or has gone on a field trip the class can make a photo album about their event. Students can add pictures and record a message to go with each picture. Students can display thier album for parents and other classes. With this progam each student can have a role in making it.
4) Schedules - For students who need it they can have their daily schedule on hand at all times. They are ablet o refer to it so they know what they will be doing for the day and it gives them independence so they do not have to rely on teachers to direct them to thier next activity.
5) Communication Device - Students in need of augmentative communication can use pictello for their basic communication needs. Parents and teachers can take pictures and have a child record sayings to go along with the picture. It can be basic at first helping the child communicate simple wants and needs. This way the studnet has thier communication device with them at all times.

I have not had the opportunity to use this app with my students but I would love to try it. Having grade 4 I could use it as a shared writing activity. I have a few students who have difficulty with writing tasks  but I think would be willing to try this. We also just went on a field trip dealing with our science unit. We could make an interactive book dealing with our unit on rocks and add pictures from our trip.