Friday, 28 October 2011

Class #3

In today's class we had the opportunity to see how different technology can help our students in the classroom. Each group was responsible to present a different program. Having the opportunity to see how these work and how the different programs would beneifit specific students. All the programs had some great benefits and would certainly help many of my students. I am anxious to try out the kurzwell program when I am doing my case study. For my student who has difficulty putting his thoughts on paper I think this program would work for him. I am looking forward to working with him and seeing his progression with the help of assistive technology.

we also had the chance to take a close look at the iPod Touches and some apps that would be beneficial in the classroom. the first app we looked at was pictello. It allows you to create a story through recordings and picture. I won't go into detail as that will be in my next entry but there are many activities that we could use this app for. We also looked at many other apps that could support struggling readers and writers. I am looking forward to the next class when we can look further into these apps.