Saturday, 12 November 2011

Today in class we were given the opportunity to learn about the application reeldirector. This is an app that allows a person to make a movie using the iPod Touch. In groups we explored this app and how it works and also each group made a short 60 second video advertising assistive technology.

Our group decided to take a comedic approach to our commercial and we used the theme "the Wild West". We did have fun making the video but it was frustrating at times.  The tutorial on line was intensive but missed explaining some important points and it took a while to get a complete understanding. I think this would be a god app for students to use to make short videos. There are several outcomes that could be covered using this program. Some of those outcomes are as follows:

Speaking/listening skills

Communication skills

Collaborating with peers

Problem solving/sequencing

Writing a script

Research skills-learning how to run program

Technology skills – 2 apps

Learning about what a commercial is (media studies)

Self evaluation

 These are a few outcomes that students can work towards. Allowing students to demonstrate learning through other ways besides testing gives them the opportunity to use thier other strengths.