Saturday, 24 September 2011

Yesterday we completed our first class in Assistive technology. It was great to see everyone again and get back into the wonderful world of learning. We began our class by discussing what assistive technology is and what it is not. We discussed that AT is about providing Access to a Task and improving performance of a student or adult with a disability. AT is an ongoing process that provides continued supports. There is always a need to re-evaluate a students needs as those needs are continuously changing.

We also had the opportunity to see videos of some students. I remember some of these students from the previous course, especially Tyler. He is a remarkable young man who has overcome many challenges in his life. Without his AT he would not have had as many opportunities to show his knowledge. Looking at our schools I do think we have a lot of work ahead of us to ensure that all our students are given every possible opportunity to learn and communicate with everyone.

We began our first assignment and it looks like it is going to entail a lot of work. For some of us who have never done a task analysis before it can be overwhelming. I don'[t think any of us have ever really looked at every step that is required in the reading process. We can easily list the basic steps but it is difficult to think of the process that our brain goes through and our every thinking. It will certainly be a challenge but I also think it will be interesting to see how everyone thinks.
I was looking through some videos on youtube and the video I posted above caught my eye. THe title "Asssistive Technology Enabling Dreams" really is powerful adn so true. It allowed students to accomplish things that were thought to be impossible due to a disability.